
logo, zoho

Zoho is an Indian multifunctional system that combines CRM, marketing, project management, teamwork, automation and analytics. An online business management tool for companies with a long-term vision.

Zoho CRM Can Help Your Business to Solve the Following Issues:

    Long order processing time
    High labor costs for report preparation
    Time it takes to prepare new documents and to search for old ones
    High percentage of human factor in processes
    Customer base segmentation, marketing activities

What Result Will You Get?

    Sales growth
    Database security
    Improvement in the speed and quality of request processing
    Data relevance at any time
    Access to the system from any location and on any device
    Customer and employee loyalty building
infographics, zoho, crm plus

Where Do We Start?

We follow a typical 5-step process with our clients before starting a project:


Discuss the current situation and objectives


Choose and demonstrate relevant tools


Create a personalized offer


Agree ona work plan


Signa contract

Where Do We Start?

We follow a typical 5-step process with our clients before starting a project:


Discuss the current situation and objectives


Choose and demonstrate relevant tools


Create a personalized offer


Agree on a work plan


Sign a contract

Forms of Іnteraction

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    Customized solutionП

    An implementation project with an atypical scope of work on CRM setup.

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    Batch implementationп

    Typical system setup, where the list of actions, execution time, and cost are known in advance.

Forms of Іnteraction

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    Customized solutionП

    An implementation project with an atypical scope of work on CRM setup.

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    Batch implementationп

    Typical system setup, where the list of actions, execution time, and cost are known in advance.

Still have questions?


Julia Andrusiak

Account Director

+38 050 700 75 72


We work with you to find the best solution for the business challenges you face.

Book a free consultation

Let’s work together for great results

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