Website development for an ophthalmology clinic

SOWWA is a modern ophthalmology center with a strong medical and diagnostic base and a developed network in Western Ukraine. It is certified according to the international quality management system for the provision of ophthalmic services DSTU ISO 9001:2001.

By 2023, more than 265492 diagnostic and consultative examinations and 123713 surgeries were performed.






2 months



from 2022 to the present



4 persons






2 months



from 2022 to the present



4 persons

screens of the sowwa site


logo  sowwa
    Create an analog of an existing website in Ukrainian on a new platform.


    Create a new website based on the Wordpress CMS.
screens of the sowwa site
screens of the sowwa site

Project Details

The project can be divided into 5 main stages:

    Development of technical specifications;
    Installation of a ready-made solution from the marketplace;
    Setting up the site structure and pages;
    Updating the main page;
    Adding content to the website.

Let's take a closer look at what happened at each step:

step 1. development of the technical task

The first stage was the development of the technical task. We identified with the client all the necessary updates that were not on the old site:

    additional colors from the brand book;
    update of services;
    new doctors;
    new addresses of branches.

step 2. ready-made solution

The second stage was to buy a ready-made solution on the marketplace and set it up on a test server. Here, difficulties came up, as the ready-made solution turned out to be incomplete during deployment and testing. We informed the client and the support of the marketplace where we had purchased the ready-made solution. The process involved our developer, system administrator, project manager and individual specialists from the marketplace/developer of the ready-made solution. The development team eliminated the shortcomings we identified. This process took 2 months.

step 3. customize the site structure

The third stage was to customize the site structure and page structure to match the existing website.

Setting up the pages of branches:

sowwa website screen 1
sowwa website screen 2

Customizing the Price page:

sowwa website screen 3
sowwa website screen 4
sowwa website screen 5

Create separate contact pages for each branch and add Google maps:

sowwa website screen 6
sowwa website screen 7

Create a Testimonials page, add and configure a testimonials plugin and place them below the testimonials form in order from newest to oldest.

sowwa website screen 8

The "Questions to the Doctor" page was created and configured using the basic functionality of the ready-made solution and an additional plugin for posting anonymous questions.

sowwa website screen 9

All questions are placed under the form from the newest to the oldest after the doctor answers the question in the site's admin panel. Then, both the question and the answer are published.

sowwa website screen 10

Customizing the About Us page:

sowwa website screen 11

The "Our staff" page with a list of all doctors has been customized and an additional parameter for doctors has been added as a link to branches. We also set up a manual display of branches in the desired order in the admin panel and created the ability to sort doctors (based on the date of the doctor's publication).

sowwa website screen 12

Personal pages of doctors have been set up:

sowwa website screen 13

The News section is based on the functionality of the ready-made Blog solution.

sowwa website screen 14

We updated the display of personal pages of articles at the request of a client (reducing the font, title, eliminating unnecessary categories, publication date, author, etc.):

sowwa website screen 15

Clicking on the "Make an appointment" button opens a separate page with a doctor's registration form:

sowwa website screen 16

step 4. home page

The fourth stage was to customize the home page, including its blocks, replacing logos, meta tags and favicon.

The slider block was updated with new images and up-to-date information.

sowwa website screen 17

The block with the main services and a button that redirects to all services has been updated:

sowwa website screen 18

A block with the clinic's chief doctors and a button leading to the "Our Staff" page:

sowwa website screen 19

A block with news and a link to the entire News list:

sowwa website screen 20

A block with reviews and a button to go to a page with a full list of reviews:

sowwa website screen 21

Customize the footer (add a logo, update the text and background colors, display the menu and replace social media icons:

sowwa website screen 22

step 5. was filling the site with content

At this stage, we filled the existing blocks of the site with text and graphic materials.


    The company received an improved website in Ukrainian.
    They stopped using the Russian platform.
    We corrected errors and updated the content (lists of services, prices, doctors).
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Olena Melnychuk

Julia Andrusiak

Chief Operating Officer

+38 050 700 75 72


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